Step 5Talent Mobility
Is a dynamic internal process for moving talent from role to role – at the leadership, professional and operational levels. This is also inclusive of offboarding or employee exit.
These suggested resources are available at no cost.
Best practices forAll employees
- Develop unstructured opportunities for employees to move to different locations on project basis early on, add value to the community and then come back.
- Put in place an internal job market by using a common platform for both local and international opportunities.
- Dedicate 20% of employee time to side projects or testing waters with different roles.
Best practices for Veterans
- Throughout the rotational process provide broad-based experience, but also assign the veteran specific tasks that are meaningfully related to the organization’s mission.
- Foster personal development by integrating mentoring and coaching throughout the rotational assignments that provides valuable contacts and experience that accelerate the development of technical skills, awareness and acclimation to the culture of the company.
- Consider how certifications and credentials obtained in the military can be relevant to credentialing requirements needed for professional development, including those specific to any departments participating in the rotation.
Questions to ask
- Are you giving employees opportunity to compete for positions before external posting?
- What is the risk appetite to facilitate employees stretching themselves with different roles?
- Can we support project-based rotations in different locations?
- Who do we have that would bring value as a coach or mentor during veteran’s rotating assignments?
- Have we mapped and given credit for military certifications and credentials?
- What specific requirements and goals are assigned that clearly related to the mission statement?